
Create your custom
Bussiness or Profile Card,
From EveloCard.

Design and share a digital card that represents your brand. Personalize your card and share it easily. Powered by Evelocore.
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You can monitor view counts, track edits, check runtime, and easily toggle it on or off as needed.

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Discover premium, professionally crafted templates tailored to elevate your personal profile or business. Whether you're looking to make a lasting impression, streamline your workflow, or enhance your brand's presence, our collection offers the perfect solution for showcasing your unique identity and achieving your goals.

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If you're someone who loves to code, you don't have to stick to templates. Dive into a powerful editor where you can use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design your own custom profile card with precision, creativity, and full control over every element.

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Join as an eveloCard developer to showcase your creativity by publishing your own templates. You'll also have the capability to transfer ownership, making collaboration and management seamless.